Teaching / Enseignement

Computing with spiking neurons

On the page Computing with spikes, a practice is proposed on the subject of using spiking neurons, simulated with Python Brian, to perform computations, especially focusing on synchronizing population of spiking neurons and detecting this synchrony.

Functional programming: Tic-Tac-Toe in CamL

Tic Tac Toe in CamL
On the page CamL, I describe a way to solve Tic Tac Toe using the minimax algorithm with Alpha-beta prunning, written in CamL, as a subject for a practice.

TD/TP Bureautique

Ci-dessous les supports de cours que j’ai utilisé pour un cours de bureautique (Word, Powerpoint) à l’IUT Charlemagne (Nancy) en 2005-2006.