For some of the publications, there are some additional ressources available in the Simulations section.
[1] | J. Fix, “Template based black box optimization of dynamic neural fields,” Neural networks, vol. 46, pp. 40 - 49, 2013. Simulations. [ bib | DOI ] |
[2] | N. Rougier and J. Fix, “Dana: Distributed numerical and adaptive modelling framework,” Network: Computation in Neural Systems, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 237-253, 2012. [ bib | DOI ] |
[3] | J. Fix, N. Rougier, and F. Alexandre, “A dynamic neural field approach to the covert and overt deployment of spatial attention,” Cognitive computation, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 279-293, 2010. Simulations. [ bib | DOI ] |
[4] | J. Vitay, J. Fix, F. Beuth, H. Schroll, and F. Hamker, “Biological models of reinforcement learning,” Künstliche Intelligenz, vol. 3, pp. 12-18, 2009. [ bib | http ] |
[5] | J. Fix, N. Rougier, and F. Alexandre, “From physiological principles to computational models of the cortex,” Journal of Physiology-Paris , Neuro-Computation: From Sensorimotor Integration to Computational Frameworks, vol. 101, no. 1-3, pp. 32-39, 2007. Simulations. [ bib | DOI ] |
[1] | J. Gustedt, S. Vialle, H. Frezza-Buet, N. Boumba Sitou, N. Fressengeas, and J. Fix, “Intercell: a software suite for rapid prototyping and parallel execution of fine grained applications,” in Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing, Part I, LNCS, 7133 (K. Jónasson, ed.), Springer Heidelberg, 2011. [ bib | DOI ] |
[2] | J. Fix, J. Vitay, and N. Rougier, “A distributed computational model of spatial memory anticipation during a visual search task,” in Anticipatory Behavior in Adaptive Learning Systems: From Brains to Individual and Social Behavior (M. Butz, O. Sigaud, G. Baldassarre, and G. Pezzulo, eds.), pp. 170-188, Springer - LNAI 4520, 2006. [ bib | DOI ] |
[1] | J. Fix, Mécanisme numériques et distribués de l'anticipation motrice. Phd, Univeristé Henri Poincaré Nancy-I, Nancy, 2008. [ bib | http ] |
[1] | J. Fix, “Dynamic formation of self-organizing maps,” 10th Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps, WSOM 2014, Mittweida (Germany), 2014. Conference website. Simulations. [ bib | DOI ] |
[2] | D. Baheux, H. Frezza-Buet, and J. Fix, “Towards an effective multi-map self organizing recurrent neuronal network,” Proceedings of the 22st European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence And Machine Learning, 2014. [ bib | DOI ] |
[3] | J. Fix and M. Geist, “Monte-carlo swarm policy search,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC 2012), Springer LNCS-7269, pp. 75-83, 2012. Simulations. [ bib | DOI ] |
[4] | J. Fix, M. Geist, O. Pietquin, and H. Frezza-Buet, “Dynamic neural field optimization using the unscented kalman filter,” Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Algorithms, Mind, and Brain (CCMB 2011), 2011. Simulations. [ bib | DOI ] |
[5] | J. Fix, H. Schroll, K. Anton-Erxleben, S. Womelsdorf, S. Treue, and F. Hamker, “Influence of spatial attention on the receptive field shape of neurons in monkey area mt,” Proceedings of Neurocomp 2010, 2010. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[6] | F. Alexandre, J. Fix, A. Hutt, N. Rougier, and T. Viéville, “On practical neural field parameters adjustment,” Proceedings of Neurocomp 2008, 2008. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[7] | J. Fix, N. Rougier, and F. Alexandre, “A computational approach to the covert and overt deployment of spatial visual attention,” Proceedings of Neurocomp 2008, 2008. Simulations. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[8] | J. Fix, “A computational approach to the control of voluntary saccadic eye movements,” Proceedings of ICCN 2007, 2007. [ bib | DOI ] |
[9] | J. Fix, N. Rougier, and A. Alexandre, “A top-down attentional system scanning multiple targets with saccades (abstract),” Proceedings of CCNV 2007, 2007. Simulations. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[10] | J. Fix, J. Vitay, and N. Rougier, “A computational model of spatial memory anticipation during visual search,” Proceedings of Abials 2006, vol. abs/cs/0610041, 2006. Simulations. [ bib | .pdf ] |
[1] | J. Fix, N. Rougier, and F. Alexandre, “A computational approach to the covert and overt deployment of spatial visual attention,” MVSS 2008, 2008. [ bib ] |
[2] | J. Fix, “Principes de transformation sensorimotrice a l'aide de neurones sigma-pi,” Proceedings of Neurocomp 2006, pp. 70-73, 2006. [ bib ] |
[1] | J. Fix and M. Geist, “Optimisation de contrôleurs par essaim particulaire,” Conférence Francophone sur l'Apprentissage Automatique, CAP 2012 (Nancy, France), 2012. [ bib | .pdf ] |