
Empty makefile project

You can download here : project-1.00.tar.gz an empty makefile project. In this project, have a look to README to see what has to be modified to make it suitable for your own project. It should have all the things you need to put C++ source code, examples and generate the doxygen documentation for you. You may need to run the reconf script. Otherwise, it is used as a standard makefile project : to configure, compile and install it , run the following :

  • ./configure —prefix=PREFIX_TO_INSTALL
  • make
  • make install

This will generate the makefiles, compile the code and install the binairies, headers, libraries, documentations in subdirectories of PREFIX_TO_INSTALL. If you want to make a tar.gz archive, simply run “make dist”. If you want to make a RPM from it simply run “rpmbuild -ta myarchive.tar.gz”.

Empty cmake project

A basic cmake package which should contain what you need for compiling a library, making the documentation, installing everything, creating a RPM is available as MaLibrairie.tar.gz.

Making a video from a set of images